Sir Terry Frost / Suspended Red, Yellow and Black による紹介 Fairhead Fine Art Ltd

Sir Terry FROST - Suspended Red, Yellow and Black

による紹介 Fairhead Fine Art Ltd

  • 1987
  • 技法
  • 画像の寸法
    79,0 x 59,0 cm / 31.1 x 23.2 in
  • 紙の寸法
    79,0 x 59,0 cm / 31.1 x 23.2 in
  • 印刷
  • 価格
    1 900 pounds sterling (£)
  • 参照
    : Dominic Kemp “Terry Frost Prints” Catalogue Raisonee - Number 92
  • 訪問
  • 状態
Sir Terry FROST - Suspended Red, Yellow and Black

Sir Terry Frost R.A (1915 - 2003)

Title: Suspended Red, Yellow and Black
Medium: Original Screenprint in colours, 1987, on heavy wove paper to cut edges, signed by the artist in pencil.
Size:  790 x 590 mms (31” x 23.25” inches) (Paper & Image size)
Note: Frost was a most distinguished artist whose abstract work was an important part of the St Ives School.
References: Dominic Kemp “Terry Frost Prints” Catalogue Raisonee - Number 92
Published & Printed by: The Royal College of Art, London
Provenance: Private Collection: Aventura, FL
Public Collections: Property of The Everson Museum, sold to benefit the museum's collection fund.
Exhibited: Kelpra Studios: The Rose and Chris Prater Gift - Artists prints : The Tate Gallery, London Edition: 41/75 - there were also 10 artists proofs.
Condition: A small fold around the top right corner. Otherwise in extremely good condition with fresh and vibrant colours.

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