Christo & Jeanne-Claude / The Umbrellas, Ibaraki, Japan による紹介 Tgp Auction

CHRISTO & JEANNE-CLAUDE - The Umbrellas, Ibaraki, Japan

による紹介 Tgp Auction

  • 1991
  • 技法
  • 画像の寸法
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • 紙の寸法
    64,0 x 95,0 cm / 25.2 x 37.4 in
  • 印刷
  • 価格
    900 euros (€)
  • 参照
  • 訪問
  • 状態
CHRISTO & JEANNE-CLAUDE - The Umbrellas, Ibaraki, Japan

The Umbrellas, a temporary work of art realized in two countries at the same time, reflected the similarities and differences in the ways of life and the use of the land in two inland valleys in Japan and the USA.

Hand-signed by artist

接触 Tgp Auction
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写真 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - The Gates, Central Park, New York City 1979-2005

リトグラフ Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Wrapped monument

挿絵入り本 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Wrapped Reichstag. Berlin 1971–1995

写真 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - The Umbrellas, Ibaraki, Japan

写真 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Wrapped walk Ways Loose Park Kansas City Missouri

シルクスクリーン Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Wrapped Tree (Project)

写真 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - The Umbrellas, Japan-USA, California

写真 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - The Umbrellas, Ibaraki, Japan

写真 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Wrapped Vestibule,

写真 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Wrapped walk Ways Loose Park Kansas City Missouri

写真 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - The Umbrellas, Ibaraki, Japan

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