Tracey Adams / Guna QQ による紹介 Ideelart

Tracey ADAMS - Guna QQ

による紹介 Ideelart


  • 2017
  • 技法
  • 画像の寸法
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • 紙の寸法
    98,0 x 66,0 cm / 38.6 x 26.0 in
  • 印刷
  • 価格
  • 参照
  • 訪問
  • 状態
Tracey ADAMS - Guna QQ

The title, Guna, is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘string, thread or strand’ and was inspired by Adams yoga practice.

“It’s a key concept in various schools of Hindu philosophy which states there are 3 gunas: goodness, passion and darkness, all present in everyone and everything, but in different proportions. The interplay of the 3 gunas define the character of someone or something, of nature and determines the progress of life”. (Wikipedia)

Artworks from this series were a reaction to the more serialized and geometric work Adams was doing, a need to break from that and work in a freeing and more physical way.

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