Tracey Adams / Balancing Act 3 による紹介 Ideelart

Tracey ADAMS - Balancing Act 3

による紹介 Ideelart

  • 2016
  • 技法
  • 画像の寸法
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • 紙の寸法
    66,0 x 50,8 cm / 26.0 x 20.0 in
  • 印刷
  • 価格
  • 参照
  • 訪問
  • 状態
Tracey ADAMS - Balancing Act 3

Balancing Act 3 is part of a series of works on paper started in 2016.

They are created in the evenings and aptly named after busy days of teaching and other responsibilities.

The artist establishes parameters involving the use of a particular palette, certain mark-making gestures and amount of time spent on each drawing.

This work incorporates graphite, ink, and gouache, and is a combination of intuition-based and planned execution.

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