Antoni Tàpies / Llambrec material による紹介 Artsobrepaper

Antoni TÀPIES - Llambrec material

による紹介 Artsobrepaper

  • 1975
  • 技法
  • 画像の寸法
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • 紙の寸法
    32,0 x 44,0 cm / 12.6 x 17.3 in
  • 価格
  • 参照
  • 訪問
  • 状態
Antoni TÀPIES - Llambrec material

Taklguchi Shuzo poems,
lithographs by Antoni Tapies
One of the 125 numbered 76 to 200
Special edition in brown paper (Catalan)
signed by the artist on the justification

Poemas de Shuzo Taklguchi,
litografías de Antoni Tàpies
Uno de los 125 ejemplares numerados del 76 al 200
Edición especial en papel de estraza (catalán)
firmado por el artista en la justificación

Bibliophile Edition: 125 copies on Catalan Estraza paper with certificate of
authenticity signed by the artist.
_ Limited Edition: 300 copies on Offset paper.

Both the Bibliophile Edition and the Limited Edition include 12 unsigned lithographs
(9 measuring 44 _ 32 cm and 3 measuring 44 _ 64 cm).
All the copies measure 44 _ 32 cm and contain 102 pages with the original poems
in Japanese and translations into English, French and Catalan. Presented in folder
and cloth-lined slipcase.

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在庫品版画の TÀPIES

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