Ettore Tito / Les cinq sens. Voir ouïr, sentir, goûter, toucher. (The Five Senses) による紹介 Sylvan Cole Gallery

Ettore TITO - Les cinq sens. Voir ouïr, sentir, goûter, toucher. (The Five Senses)

による紹介 Sylvan Cole Gallery

  • 1925
  • 技法
  • 画像の寸法
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • 紙の寸法
    32,0 x 25,0 cm / 12.6 x 9.8 in
  • 印刷
    Edition of 50
  • 価格
    975 euros (€)
  • 参照
  • 訪問
  • 状態
Ettore TITO - Les cinq sens. Voir ouïr, sentir, goûter, toucher. (The Five Senses)

Ettore Tito.
Les cinq sens. Voir ouïr, sentir, goûter, toucher.
Paris: Le Prince, 1925.

A portfolio of FIVE OUTSTANDING ART DECO POCHOIR PLATES BY ETTORE TITO (1859-1941), FINISHED BY HAND, PRINTED ON EXTREMELY FINE WOVE PAPER. Five loose leaves, each measuring 25 x 32 cm (three horizontal, two vertical) in the original paper envelope. FINE AND BRIGHT, WITH THE COLORS EXTREMELY FRESH. Envelope separated at fold. A RARE SURVIVAL, WITH ALL PLATES IN PRISTINE CONDITION. Printed in a very small edition.

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在庫品版画の TITO

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