Pablo Picasso / Le Cubisme 1907-1914 による紹介 Denis Bloch Fine Art

Pablo PICASSO - Le Cubisme 1907-1914

による紹介 Denis Bloch Fine Art


  • 1953
  • 技法
  • 画像の寸法
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • 紙の寸法
    70,0 x 51,0 cm / 27.6 x 20.1 in
  • 印刷
  • 価格
    2 800 dollars ($)
  • 参照
  • 訪問
  • 状態
Pablo PICASSO - Le Cubisme 1907-1914

Vintage Pablo Picasso Lithographic Poster in colors, created for an exhibition at the Musee National d’Art Moderne, Paris (National Museum of Modern Art). Featuring the Pablo Picasso Painting ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon.’ Czwiklitzer 81.

‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’ by Pablo Picasso is widely considered to be seminal in the early development of both Cubism and Modern Art.

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在庫品版画の PICASSO

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