Jean-Michel Basquiat / Big Pagoda による紹介 Fairhead Fine Art Ltd

Jean-Michel BASQUIAT - Big Pagoda

による紹介 Fairhead Fine Art Ltd

  • 1997
  • 技法
  • 画像の寸法
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • 紙の寸法
    76,0 x 56,0 cm / 29.9 x 22.0 in
  • 印刷
  • 価格
    800 euros (€)
  • 参照
  • 訪問
  • 状態
Jean-Michel BASQUIAT - Big Pagoda

after Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960 - 1988)

Title: Big Pagoda
Medium : Lithograph in colours, 1997, on Arches paper, an unsigned work.
Published by: The Basquiat Estate , Enrico Navarra Gallery, Paris Mitsukoshi Museum of Art, Shinjuku, Japan. Detailed below the copywrite of the Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat.
Size: 76 × 56 cm
Note: This was made after the artists death and was published with the approval of his estate.The Joint-Publisher, Enrico Navarra Gallery, was founded in 1989 by Enrico Navarra and now run by his son Doriano, is based between Paris and Le Muy. The gallery has always exhibited works by this artist and held multiple exhibitions of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s work around the world, from Taiwan in 1996 to Château La Coste in 2019, via Cotonou in 2007, Beijing (2006), Shanghai (2006), Mexico City (2004), Havana (2000), Naples (1999), Venice (1999), Recife (1998), Buenos Aires (1998), Vancouver (1997), Tokyo (1997) and Seoul (1997).
In 1997 The Mitsukoshi Museum of Art, Shinjuku, had an exhibition of the artists works and this and “Pez Dispenser” were made to commemorate this.
Edition: From an edition of unknown size.
Condition: In good condition

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